Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Million Dollar Money Drop

Okay I was watching the season final of million dollar money drop. For the people who do not know what it is it is a show were people are given one million dollars to play with. The only way for them to keep the money is to get the answers right for the questions that are given. They couple has to like put how much money they want to on the little table in front of the answers. If the couple outs the money on the wrong answer the money will fall, but if it is the right answer the money wont fall. Enough explaining. So there was this couple who were on there second question, and they only had ten thousand dollars left so they got there question, and put there money on the answers that they thought were right. THEY WERE WRONG FOR BOTH ANSWERS!!!! So they did not even get to the third round. The T.V. show was not even 8 to 10 minutes in. That couple just embarrassed there self. They are so STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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